Digestive Enzymes: Stop Stomach Pain & Discomfort

 The Digestive Enzymes Secret Formula

If you suffer from these life-disrupting symptoms:digestive enzymes Benefits

  • smelly gas
  • frequent burps…
  • can’t stop “going”
  • can’t “go”…
  • bloated and painful stomach
  • leaky gut
  • food allergies
  • feeling yuck?

These are all symptoms and signs of a poorly functioning digestive tract and overall poor health.

Enzymes are energized protein molecules essential for the digestion of food, for brain stimulation, tissue, cell, and organ repair, and for generating cellular energy. Even though they are a catalyst for many biochemical reactions they do not change or get consumed in the process.

There are three types of digestive enzymes: metabolic, digestive, and food.

Digestive Enzymes – Stop Stomach Pain

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Digestive enzymes are secreted along the gastrointestinal tract and break down the food in the body so that the nutrients can be absorbed. Enzymes are present in the food you eat which is why there is great importance placed on having plenty of raw foods in the diet. The enzymes in raw food help start the process of digestion which reduces the body’s need to secrete digestive enzymes.

Food enzymes are destroyed when cooking at moderate or high temperatures. They are “turned off” at a dry-heat temperature of 150 degrees Fahrenheit and a wet-heat temperature of 118 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your body has to rely too much on its own digestive enzymes the result is more stress is placed on your system and organs leaving less time and energy for other jobs such as rebuilding and replacing damaged cells and tissue and keeping your immune system strong.

Digestive enzymes stop stomach painA diet that consists mainly of cooked food requires the pancreas to “work overtime” and the extra effort leaves it exhausted. If the pancreas is always having to produce enzymes that could come from the food it will eventually cease to function properly.

Digestive enzymes stop stomach pain

The late Dr. Edward Howell suggested that when a person eats an enzyme-poor diet consisting of lots of cooked food, the result is an illness, stomach and bowel issues, lowered resistance to stress, and a shortened life span.

Eating lots of raw foods and taking a high-quality enzyme supplement can help avoid depletion of the body’s own enzymes thereby reducing stress.

In the book, The Healing Power of Enzymes, Dr. DicQie Fuller talks about the importance of enzymes and says:

“Eighty percent of our body’s energy is expended by the digestive process. If you are run down, under stress, living in a very hot or very cold climate, pregnant or a frequent traveler, then enormous quantities of extra enzymes are required by your body. Because our entire system functions through enzymatic action, we must supplement our enzymes. Aging deprives us of our ability to produce necessary enzymes. The medical profession tells us that all disease is due to a lack or imbalance of enzymes. Our very lives are dependent upon them!”

Importance of Digestive Enzymes

There are approximately 45 essential nutrients that the body needs to carry out normal bodily functions. Essential means that the body cannot manufacture them and they must come from outside sources.

There are at least 13 kinds of vitamins and 20 kinds of minerals, in addition to fats, carbohydrates, and water that are required for proper metabolic function. When food is consumed it gets broken down for absorption and transported by the bloodstream.

Nutrients, including enzymes, work synergistically which means they cooperate with each other acting as catalysts. This promotes absorption and assimilation. The importance of digestive enzymes resides in the fact that the human body cannot absorb nutrients in food unless digestive enzymes break them down.

The body progressively loses its ability to produce enzymes with major drops occurring roughly every ten years of life. In the beginning, it may not be that noticeable, however, later on, you will discover that you cannot tolerate or enjoy certain foods as you did before. This may also be accompanied by a feeling of reduced stamina. Yes, you’re running low on enzymes.

How Do You Know if You Are Lacking Enzymes?

Heartburn, gas, constipation, bloating, allergies, ulcers, lack of energy and reduced functioning of the immune system may occur when there are not enough enzymes.

Digestive Enzymes Benefits.

Digestive Enzymes can be beneficial for more chronic health issues than most people think. They have been shown to benefit people with:

  • Acne rosacea
  • GERD
  • Indigestion
  • Candidiasis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Eczema and other skin problems
  • Food allergies
  • Low back pain
  • Sinusitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Unexplained weight gain

The “Secret Weapon” for healthy digestion…

Digestive EnzymesFirst of all, it is important to note that pH levels vary from the colon to the small intestine and the stomach. As a result, the digestive enzyme supplement you choose has to be manufactured in a way that the enzymes don’t get destroyed while traveling through the digestive tract.

 What’s so good about this supplement, what makes it different?

Kiwi-Klenz™ contains 100% kiwifruit – flesh, seed, and skin in their New Zealand proprietary blend called Digesten-K which provides optimum digestive support for your digestive system.

The majority of kiwifruit-based pills and powders are all freeze-dried pulp. By not using every part of the kiwifruit – including fuzzy skin and seeds – they throw away and waste the most critical component, the phenolics! This is a major reason why these formulas are inferior and a waste of your hard-earned money.

digestive enzymes benefits

The Aqua Pure process uses a unique water extraction process to extract a high concentration of the vital soluble fiber, enzymes and phenolics vital for your optimum digestion.  This process is repeated three times to deliver a more potent formula for your digestive needs!

By using The Aqua-Pure extraction  process, Kiwi-Klenz™ along with its unique blend called Digesten-K – a potent kiwifruit extract – to   deliver the 4 most critical components essential for healthy digestion in this breakthrough digestive supplement:

check  Prebiotics – to feed and stimulate the growth of good bacteria

check  Digestive enzymes – to properly break down foods

check  Soluble fiber – for healthy bowel function

check  Phenolics – to help prevent the growth of bad bacteria and restore health to the digestive tract

No harsh chemicals or solvents are used to extract the active ingredients in the kiwifruit.

With daily use of Kiwi-Klenz™ – you can help:

best digestive enzymes for gas  Increase nutrient absorption from fooddigestive enzymes

top rated digestive enzyme supplements  Increase the potency of nutritional supplements

digestive enzymes names  Support and increase immune response

benefits of taking digestive enzymes  Experience ( maybe for the first time ) regular bowel movements

digestive enzymes and probiotics  Increase your energy levels

digestive enzyme supplements digestion  Reduce smelly gas emissions

what is the best digestive enzyme supplement  Put a stop to bloating and stomach discomfort

best digestive enzymes  Improve the appearance and texture of your skin

enzymes that help digestion  Best of all, flush that toxic waste from your colon!

These scientists who are experts in the area of natural health have spent years scientifically formulating this secret weapon against poorly compromised digestive health. We think Kiwi-Klenz is a much superior product,  it is safe, effective, and well worth investigating. Learn more about it and see how it is helping others with all kinds of health issues.

digestive enzyme supplements

Wishing you a balanced system and  happiness,

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More on  digestive enzymes on our nutritional health supplements page

Kiwi-Klenz is amazingly powerful…

I want to say how grateful I am for Kiwi Klenz. I had an embarrassing and chronic flatulence problem that I couldn’t get rid of no matter how I changed my diet or took other types of gas pills. Within a few days of taking Kiwi Klenz, my problem is basically gone. It is such a relief now not to worry. I have told several friends and they have been pleased too.

Dorothie H, USA  February 22nd, 2013