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Post Updated: March 18th 2023
The acid-alkaline balance is a vital factor for achieving good health, especially when you are looking to achieve the best diet for hypothyroidism. Acid-alkaline imbalances can be largely attributed to poor dietary habits and this can lead to various diseases including cancer.
What is the acid-alkaline balance?
Acid-alkaline balance simply refers to the ratio between alkalis (non-acids) and acids in body tissues and fluids such as saliva, urine, and blood. This ratio is determined by measuring the pH levels. When the ratio between acids and alkalis is balanced, it is quite easy to achieve and maintain good health results. When the pH is imbalanced (either too alkaline or too acidic, the stage for disease and other complications takes hold. A pH level of 7 is neutral whereas a pH above 7 indicates an alkaline condition exists and a pH below 7 represents acidic conditions.
In order for your body to thrive, your blood should be slightly alkaline (having a blood ph of about 7.4). However, when the pH reading moves too far above or below this number, you will
inevitably fall ill. Most people who are chronically ill especially people with cancer suffer from unbalanced body blood pH that is too acidic. Over-acidity changes the bloodstream to an environment that reduces oxygen levels which provides a very conducive environment for unhealthy and dangerous microorganisms such as cancer tumors and cells.
How does diet affect acid-alkaline balance?
Nutrients in the food we eat have either an alkaline or acidic effect on the blood. For instance, meat, fish, grains, legumes, and eggs are acid-forming, while vegetables and fruits are alkalizing. All processed foods, soda, and junk food should be avoided because they are acid-forming.
However, it is vital to understand that simply because a particular food seems more acidic itself, it does not mean that it is acid-forming and vice versa with alkaline foods. For example, although raw apple cider vinegar and lemon are acidic, they have an alkalizing effect on the body.
Acid-alkaline Imbalances
- Acidosis (blood pH that is too acidic)
In acidosis, enzyme systems run at high speed which forces the adrenal glands to overwork. This contributes to:
- Feeling racy
- Being mentally wired but physically tired
- Agitation
- Candida
- Cancer
- Alkalosis (blood pH that is too alkaline)
Although acidosis is more common and talked about, your blood pH can also become too alkaline. Alkalosis is a condition where enzyme systems run below par thus reducing pulse and blood pressure. The main symptoms of alkalosis include:
- Digestive issues including low stomach acid
- Low thyroid activity
- Fatigue
- Diarrhea
- Sluggishness
- Fertility issues
- Wheezing
- Allergies
Dangerous effects of having acid-alkaline imbalances in your Hypothyroidism Diet.
- In case the blood pH remains imbalanced for a prolonged period of time, the internal environment of your body becomes either too alkaline or too acidic. In most cases, acidosis or over-acidity is the problem. However, for some people alkalosis or over-alkalinity is the main cause of their health problems.
- When your body is no longer able to neutralize or eliminate the acid buildup, various health problems can occur. Some of the health problems that are related to acidosis (over-acidity) include demineralization, accelerated aging, fatigue, organ damage, inflammation, impaired enzyme activity, and proliferation of dangerous microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, yeast, viruses, and molds.
What is Hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism primarily occurs due to the weakening of the thyroid gland as a result of poor nutrition, stress, bad lifestyle and thyroid toxicity. Therefore, the body of a person who suffers from hypothyroidism can no longer produce vital hormones adequately.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
- Cold sensitivity
- Dry skin
- Mood swings
- Constipation
- Weight gain
- Irregular or heavy menstrual periods
- Brittle fingernails, hair, and skin
- Fatigue
- Depression
How can you cure Hypothyroidism?
There is very little difference between curing hypothyroidism and curing hyperthyroidism mainly because both cases involve helping the thyroid to heal. People who suffer from hyperthyroidism should avoid using iodine because it can worsen the condition by overworking the thyroid. Creating the problem of thyroid disease takes years of self-poisoning, so curing this disease long-term requires commitment for at least one year.
Using hypothyroidism medication makes the body reliant on them because they are highly addictive. People who have been taking hypothyroidism medication should gradually wean themselves from these drugs because stopping the medications abruptly results in additional thyroid problems and other complications such as fatigue.
Treatment recommendations – Best Diet for Hypothyroidism
- Eliminate all non-stick cookware
- Eliminate soy because it imbalances hormones, suppresses thyroid function, and causes the enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter) which shows that it also disrupts the usage of iodine.
- Adhere to an alkaline diet: This is vital especially when curing chronic diseases.
- Balance your estrogen levels (women): Excess estrogen can cause low thyroid in women. In order to balance estrogen levels, women should eliminate birth control medication and increase fiber in their diet. Moreover, it is vital for women to avoid non-organic meats because they contain growth hormones that cause imbalanced hormones.
- Exercise: Find physical activities that are fun, and do them often. Sometimes it is impossible to cure hypothyroidism without exercise.
- Hemp fiber: Besides being a broad-spectrum supplement, hemp fiber also acts as a mild laxative.
- L-Arginine stimulates the thyroid gland and its hormones. On the other hand, it improves fertility, and immune function, and also alleviates erectile dysfunction.
- L-Tyrosine: This is a natural amino acid that is quite helpful in the natural production of thyroid hormones. It also helps with the depression and mood swings that accompany hypothyroidism. Naturopaths recommended that you include 500 mg 2 to 3 times per day in your hypothyroidism diet.
- Iodine: Iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. However, you should not use povidone-iodine. The only safe way of supplementing with iodine orally is by using red marine algae. On the other hand, baked fish is the most natural and safest way of consuming iodine, but you should beware of shellfish, bottom feeders, and krill.
- Eliminate sources of fluoride: fluoride is one of the leading causes of hypothyroidism primarily because it suppresses the function of the thyroid gland. Avoid soft drinks, drink spring water, use a shower filter, and use fluoride-free toothpaste. Both tea and coffee naturally contain fluoride. Therefore, you should compensate by using iodine if tea and coffee are indispensable.
Adhere to a natural diet (stick to organic food): In order for the body to heal, you must get rid of everything that burdens its immune system. Therefore, all preservatives, processed foods, artificial colors, flavors, white sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, table salt, aluminum, and high fructose corn flavor should be eliminated from your diet.
- Chlorophyll: Chlorophyll provides copper which is essential for oxygenating the body and building healthy red blood cells. Chlorophyll is a very safe and effective way of supplementing with copper.
- Apples and pears: Pears have a very powerful tendency of balancing hormones, especially in women. Pears are very helpful especially when juiced or mixed with apples – a great addition to your diet for hypothyroidism.
- Selenium and Zinc: Studies show that severe selenium or zinc deficiencies can decrease the levels of thyroid hormone in the body. Brazil nuts are very rich in both selenium and zinc. However, zinc should never be taken on an empty stomach.
- Coconut oil: Take at least 1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil daily. Coconut oil kills Candida yeast, speeds up metabolism, and encourages the production of thyroid hormone.
Acid-alkaline diet for Hypothyroidism- It’s mainly about balance.
Food is not the only factor that affects the body’s blood pH; stress also plays a very big part. Shallow breathing due to stress causes a buildup of acidic carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. Therefore, it is vital to use stress reduction techniques to manage the acidic load in your body. This also helps you manage Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism.
Lifestyle guidelines for Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism.
- Eat a diet that is rich in strong alkalizing fruits and vegetables
- Engage in weight-bearing exercises on a regular basis.
- Use stress management methods such as laughter, meditation, yoga, walking, and qigong.
- Go organic. Most pesticides have an acid-forming effect on the body.
- Deep breathing reduces acidity by reducing stress and increases the rate at which the body releases carbon dioxide.
- Make gradual changes in case you think drastic changes will be stressful. The transition can be made slowly over several weeks.
- Dietary vitamin D helps with the absorption of phosphate, magnesium, and calcium which helps with the acid-alkaline balance.
Balancing exercise, lifestyle, and adapting the alkaline diet for hypothyroidism provides us with the most effective tools for maintaining a healthy body pH balance and managing Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism.
Good health and happiness always.