Chronic urticaria, the medical term for hives, is the presence of hives that persist for longer than 6 weeks. These hives come in the form of an itchy, red rash with raised bumps. These bumps can be small or large, and can be seen individually or clumped together in larger patches. In some cases, swelling is also present.
Chronic urticaria can also refer to hives that go away on their own, yet tend to recur frequently. It’s important to note that chronic urticaria is not common – only affecting about 1 in 1000 people – and is more often found in women.
Causes of Hives / Chronic Urticaria
When hives persist for more than six weeks at a time, the cause is often unknown. Hives that persist for shorter periods of time are often though to be the result of a skin disturbance (i.e. scratching, excessive sweating, spending too much time in the sun, heat or cold), or allergy hives as a result of an allergic reaction to medication, insect bite or sting or a particular food. Hives from an allergic reaction, however, tend to go away on their own within a couple of hours or, at the most, a couple of days.
In some cases of urticaria that won’t go away, the cause is an underlying autoimmune disorder. If this is the case, you’ll likely need to be tested for a handful of different illnesses before coming to a definitive cause of symptoms.
Hives during pregnancy are not uncommon. If you’ve been experiencing recurring outbreaks of hives and you are pregnant, that may be the underlying cause in itself. In order to protect both you and your unborn child, however, you should be checked out by a doctor to ensure that there are no underlying illnesses that are causing the urticaria. In the case of hives caused by pregnancy, they most often occur during the third trimester, and are more common in the first pregnancy. It is not unknown to have chronic urticaria that recurs only during pregnancies.
Symptoms of Chronic Urticaria
Have you ever had red, inflammed, itchy skin? It’s likely that you’ve had at least a mild outbreak of hives. Hives can be incredibly uncomfortable, with raised bumps that itch like crazy and are sometimes accompanied by a burning or stinging feeling. The urge to itch is almost unbearable, but itching can lead to even more skin disturbance and more hives. The hives themselves don’t last for more than two days, but new hives can appear in their place, making it seem as though you’ve had the same hives for weeks.
Those who are affected by chronic hives may also have symptoms of angioedema – which include the presence of large welts and swelling on the skin near the eyes, hands, feet, lips or inside of the throat. In the presence of angioedema, there is less itching but more of a burning sensation. The welts and swelling that occur due to angioedema affect the skin much deeper than traditional hives. If you suspect you have angioedema in your throat, it’s important to contact a hospital immediately as the swelling can obstruct your breathing.
With chronic urticaria, symptoms are not present at all times. The symptoms may come and go, and may be worsened by sickness, stress or significant physical activity.
Are Hives Contagious?
This is a common question from parents who have children affected with urticaria. Is it safe to send them to school? Should I protect myself when attempting to treat them? It’s important to note that hives themselves are not contagious. However, if the hives are the result of a virus, that virus may be contagious. When the cause isn’t clear, it’s important to take precaution.
Our Recommended 100% Effective and Gentle Remedy To stop The Hives Discomfort
OxyHives has been created from 100% homoeopathic ingredients specifically created to relieve the awful intensity of itchy, inflammation and welts caused by hives, urticarial vasculitis and even poison ivy.
- Soothes itching and burning.
- Provides rapid, fast acting relief.
- Relieves the raised bumps, welts and visible symptoms of Hives and Urticarial Vasculitis.
- Reduces inflammation and swelling.
- Calms the skin.
- Alleviates skin reactions to poison ivy.
- Safe for all ages.
When taken at the first signs of bumps and/or redness, OxyHives works very effectively and quickly to reduce the discomfort, itching and burning of the skin. It also has the benefit of soothing and reducing visual symptoms of irritated skin.
OxyHives Ingredients List:
The blend of ingredients in OxyHives is proprietary information, However we can share the core ingredients that make up that blend:
- Apis Mellifica 200C
- Arnica Montana 6X
- Ichthyolum 6X
- Lachesis 30C
- Hepar Suis 6X
- Mercurius Solubilis 200C
- Rhus Toxicondendron 200C
- Urtica Urens 200C
You Should Go to the Doctor If…
If you have chronic urticaria symptoms that persists even after the use of over the counter allergy medication (most commonly antihistamines), it’s important to see your doctor so that he or she can point you in the right direction for treatment or suppression of symptoms. Your doctor can also test for any underlying conditions that may be causing these hives and get you the proper hives treatment.
You Should Go Straight to the Emergency Room If…
You suspect that you are afflicted with angioedema, especially in the throat. Remember, angioedema is characterized by large welts and localized swelling of the skin. If you have any severe symptoms of chronic urticaria or hives, including difficulty breathing, it’s important to go straight to the hospital.
Do you suffer from Urticarial Vasculitis? Click here to read more about this condition
For information regards Hives in Children , visit here