Itchy Red Bumps, Are They Hives?
If you have ever experienced a sudden outbreak of itchy, red bumps on your skin, you’ve likely suffered from an outbreak of hives. Hives, also known as urticaria, can appear anywhere on the body. You may find them on your face, throat, arms, ears or legs – no body part is completely safe from getting hives.
They usually itch madly, although hives can also cause a very painful burning or stinging sensation in some areas. Hives vary in size as well; they can be as small as a pencil point or as large as a baseball, depending on the severity. In some cases the hives will clump together, making them appear larger than they really are.
What Causes Hives?
The causes of hives are varied. In medical terms, hives appear when histamine is released from certain cells, causing fluid to leak from blood vessels around those cells. This fluid causes localized swelling, which is known to us as hives. Many times they appear as a result of an allergic reaction.
In some cases, the cause of the allergic reaction can be easily determined. Certain medications, different types of foods, animal hair and even insect stings can cause hives due to an allergic reaction.
In other cases, the cause of hives is unknown. While this can be frustrating, it may help to make a list of any new foods you’ve recently added into your diet or any change in skincare routines. Something as simple as a change in the type of lotion you use could cause you to break out. Hives are also a relatively common symptom in later stages of pregnancy.
If you feel as though you’re prone to breaking out in hives, there are particular foods that may be the culprit. Peanuts, tree nuts, soy, dairy, fish and wheat are all foods that are known to cause hives more than others. If you suspect you are allergic to any of these, they might be the cause of your hives.
While most cases of hives are not a cause for concern, there are other underlying causes of hives that may require a trip to the doctor. Lupus, thyroid problems and mono can all cause outbreaks of hives. Even something as simple as prolonged exposure to sunlight, excessive heat, excessive cold or stress can cause outbreaks, so there’s no need to worry unless you’re experiencing other symptoms of underlying problems.
Different Types of Hives
Not all hives are the same. Acute urticaria, chronic urticaria, physical urticaria and dermatographism are all different types.
Acute urticaria- is hives that last for fewer than six weeks. These are the most common type of hives, and are commonly due to an allergic reaction to medication, certain types of foods, insect stings or insect bites.
- Chronic urticaria– is hives that persist for more
than six weeks. In these cases, the cause is more complicated to determine. In most cases of patients with chronic urticaria, the cause is never known.
- Physical urticaria- is hives
that are caused by a direct disturbance of the skin. This can be due to friction, excessive sweating, or exposure to extreme heat or cold. In some situations, even being exposed to the sun for extended periods of time can cause hives. When physical urticaria appears, it tends to appear in the particular spot that the skin was disturbed and usually appears around an hour after the disturbance.
- Dermatographism- is a subtype of
physical urticaria that happens when the skin is directly disturbed by scratching. This type of hives may appear with any of the other subtypes, since hives cause itching. If you have a type of hives and you scratch them to relieve the itch, more hives may appear due to that scratching.
Our Favorite Remedy for Hives
Hives can come in a variety of different forms. In mild cases, they tend to go away on their own within a couple of hours and don’t need any sort of proper treatment. If your hives persist for more than a few days, you should consult a doctor to determine the best method of treatment.
A handful of over the counter medications are available to reduce symptoms of allergic reaction hives including swelling and itching. If your symptoms don’t seem threatening, you can purchase an antihistamine before going to the doctor – a medication that literally blocks the release of histamine so that your symptoms decrease.
A particularly good medication we like, called OxyHives is available and helps alleviate the itching, swelling and redness around the affected area. It contains 100% soothing homeopathic ingredients, such as:
OxyHives helps to relieve the itchy, redness and painful symptoms of hives by:
- Provides fast acting relief .
- Calms painful skin
- Gently soothing on irritated, itching and burning skin
- Relieves raised bumps, welts and visible hives symptoms
- Settles the swelling and inflammation.
The combination of homeopathic ingredients has long been used in skin irritations from mild to distressing with very effective results.
Arnica Montana – This European plant is best known under the name Leopard’s Bane. It has been used as a folk remedy for hundreds of years and its homeopathic properties are now well understood by researchers. In studies, Arnica Montana was proven to be just as effective as drugs like ibuprofen for relieving inflammation. In diluted concentrations, it is very effective in relieving pain from skin ailments.
- Urtica Urens -for burning, red and stinging skin,
- Apis-is great for burning, sensitive and swollen skin. It has proven incredibly effective in quickly relieving hive eruptions and easing symptoms,
- Mercurius Solubilis– has a strong ability to reduce inflammation and pain from hives especially if your hives become pus filled,
- Hepar –Today’s modern homeopathy has discovered that this mixture is even more effective than the original for treating skin conditions such as Acne boils or hives,
- Rhus Tox- homeopathically treats burning, itchy, red and swollen skin complaints,
- Lachesis – When used homeopathically, it can achieve fast relief from hives,
- Ichthyolum – useful treatment for hives because it acts very quickly to give fast relief.
- Arnica Montana –In diluted concentrations, it is very effective in relieving pain from skin ailments.
If you have hives during pregnancy, it’s important to consult a doctor to determine what medications are safe to take for your baby. If you suspect that your hives are lasting for more than a couple of days, see your doctor immediately to ensure that it’s not a symptom of an underlying condition.
When to see your Doctor if you have Hives
Hives are not a life-threatening condition in themselves. Most cases go away on their own after some time without any form of treatment, and are not a cause for worry. This article is not intended to be a substitution for medical advice, so if you suspect you have a chronic form of hives or your symptoms are serious, please see your doctor as soon as you can.
From our hearts to yours,